Hello, hope you are all well.
In this exercise the link that says (lesson) brings us here, however there is no lesson, nor any explanation as to the use of this particular phrase and another one below. I did a search of these terms, but nothing came up.
I have two errors, that I would like to understand why they are errors to learn from them, i.e.
this one "Me hacen falta " and the one of " "aquí es la tarjeta:. (see below text)
CLIENT: I need two, one for me and one for my father.
CLIENTA: Me hacen necesidad dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre.
CLIENTA: Me hacen falta dos, una para mí y otra para mi padre. "
CLIENT: Here's the card. Thank you.
CLIENTA: aquí es la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.CLIENTA: Aquí tiene la tarjeta. Muchas gracias.
I looked for a comment in the exercise itself, but there was none, so I am writing this here.
Thank you for your help and stay well.