Some Spanish -iar verbs in the present tense take an accent (liar, enviar, criar)

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Learn about some Spanish -iar verbs that take an accent in the present tense

Most verbs that end in -iar in Spanish have a regular conjugation in El Presente, e.g. cambiar, estudiar, apreciar, copiar. However, some verbs follow the regular conjugation except also take a written accent in most forms of the present. Some of these common verbs are:

enviar (to send)

liar (to roll/to wrap)

criar (to raise/to bring up)

fotografiar (to photograph)

Conjugation of Spanish verbs enviar, liar, criar and fotografiar in El Presente

  enviar liar criar fotografiar
yo envío lío crío fotografío
envías lías crías fotografías
él/ella/usted envía lía cría fotografía
nosotros/-as enviamos liamos criamos   fotografiamos
vosotros/-as enviáis liais criais fotografiáis
ellos/-as/ustedes envían lían crían fotografían


The verb in the infinitive has the stress on the -ar at the end of the word: envi-ar, li-ar, cri-ar, fotografi-ar. However, when it is conjugated in the present, the stress is on the -i in the yo, , él and ellos forms. In the nosotros and vosotros forms, the stress is on the -a at the end of the verb.

In order to break the syllable into two (i.e. to break the diphthong) and make the -i the stressed vowel, we put a written accent on it. Have a look at: Accents on diphthongs

Here are some examples:

Si enviáis la carta ahora, llegará a España en tres días.If you send the letter now, it will arrive in Spain in three days. [you = vosotros]

Marta cría a sus hijos sola, sin ayuda.Marta is raising her children on her own, with no help.

Yo siempre lío los regalos en plástico de burbujas para protegerlos.I always wrap presents in bubble wrap to protect them.

Los participantes del curso fotografían paisajes.The participants of the course photograph landscapes.

¿Ustedes crían avestruces en su granja?Do you breed ostriches in your farm?

Here is a list of verbs ending in -iar that need the accent.

Here is a list of regular verbs ending in -iar that do not take the accent.

This irregularity also affects their conjugation in El Presente de Subjuntivo.

For this, see Some Spanish -iar verbs in the Spanish present subjunctive take an accent (liar, enviar, criar)

See also Spanish -uar verbs in the present tense (El Presente: actuar, continuar) and Spanish -uar verbs in the present subjuntive (El Presente de Subjuntivo: actuar, continuar)

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Examples and resources

Los participantes del curso fotografían paisajes.The participants of the course photograph landscapes.
Yo siempre lío los regalos en plástico de burbujas para protegerlos.I always wrap presents in bubble wrap to protect them.
Marta cría a sus hijos sola, sin ayuda.Marta is raising her children on her own, with no help.
¿Ustedes crían avestruces en su granja?Do you breed ostriches in your farm?
Si enviáis la carta ahora, llegará a España en tres días.If you send the letter now, it will arrive in Spain in three days. [you = vosotros]
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