Conjugate Spanish verbs in the pluperfect subjunctive in Spanish (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo)

There are two ways to conjugate Spanish verbs in the imperfect subjunctive and the pluperfect subjunctive. 

In this lesson the 2 possible pluperfect subjunctive conjugations are explained.

Learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs in El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo in Spanish

El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo has two conjugation forms, because it uses haber conjugated in El Pretérito Imperfecto Subjuntivo, which has two forms.

Conjugation 1 (used widely in speech in Spain, Latin America and South America) 

yo  hubiera  
él /ella/ usted 
 hubiera   +  past participle
nosotros / nosotras 
vosotros/ vosotras 
ellos / ellas / ustedes 


Conjugation 2 (used more in written language and in Spain)

yo  hubiese  
él /ella/ usted   hubiese   +  past participle
nosotros / nosotras  hubiésemos  
vosotros/ vosotras   hubieseis  
ellos / ellas / ustedes   hubiesen  

Have a look at these examples:

A él no le importaba lo que yo hubiera dicho.He didn't care about what I had said.

Parece como si hubieses tenido una pelea con alguien.It looks as if you had a fight with someone.

Esperábamos que él hubiese hecho lo mismo por ti.We were hoping that he had done the same for you.

Si usted hubiera venido antes, yo le habría atendido.If you had come before, I would have served you.

Si nosotros hubiéramos hablado con Raquel, ella estaría más contenta.If we had talked to Raquel, she would be happier.

Yo habría esperado hasta que vosotros hubieseis venido de Málaga.I would have waited until you had come from Málaga.

Me sorprendió que ellos hubieran puesto esas condiciones.It surprised me that they had imposed those conditions.

Nos extrañó que ustedes hubiesen decidido mudarse.We found it odd that you had decided to move.

that to conjugate all verbs in El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo, you follow this pattern:

1- hubie-ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -rais, -ran + past participle 

2- hubie-se, -ses, -se, -semos, -seis, -sen + past participle

Remember that in Spanish there are some very common verbs with irregular past participles that don't have -ado/-ido endings.

hacer > hecho     escribir > escrito     poner > puesto
decir > dicho       romper > roto         ver > visto

See also
1. Irregular past participles in Spanish
2. Using Spanish adverbial clauses para que, antes (de) que, hasta que, con tal (de) que, etc. + the present subjunctive (El Presente de Subjuntivo)

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Nos extrañó que ustedes hubiesen decidido mudarse.We found it odd that you had decided to move.
A él no le importaba lo que yo hubiera dicho.He didn't care about what I had said.
Si usted hubiera venido antes, yo le habría atendido.If you had come before, I would have served you.
Parece como si hubieses tenido una pelea con alguien.It looks as if you had a fight with someone.
Si nosotros hubiéramos hablado con Raquel, ella estaría más contenta.If we had talked to Raquel, she would be happier.
Yo habría esperado hasta que vosotros hubieseis venido de Málaga.I would have waited until you had come from Málaga.
Esperábamos que él hubiese hecho lo mismo por ti.We were hoping that he had done the same for you.
Me sorprendió que ellos hubieran puesto esas condiciones.It surprised me that they had imposed those conditions.
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