Umbra Light Festival

"Festival Umbra Light"
Spanish B2 writing exercise

Experience the magic of light at Umbra: Vitoria's mesmerizing light festival!

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "to fill (become full)", "emblematic", "as for (with regard to)" and "to interact".

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into Spanish

  • I’ll show you where you make mistakes
  • I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
  • Change my choices if you want
Start the exercise

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

As soon as I arrived in Vitoria, I couldn't resist the temptation to attend the Umbra Light Festival which is celebrated every year. Thanks to this event, the city is filled with light and art in its most emblematic squares, buildings and public spaces. As for the participating artists, some come from the Basque Country itself, the rest of Spain and foreign countries. Also, during the festival there is a fascinating street theater show that interacts with people by combining light and music. Anyone who has plenty of time should visit all the light shows, which usually come to around 22 or 23. If I were you, if you were to have the opportunity to go, I would not let it pass by so you can enjoy the art of light.

Let me take a look at that...